Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Alright, that's it. 213. That's what the bathroom scale read this morning. It's time to lose it. Don't know what my "ideal" body weight is, but I'm guessing it's less than 200. So, 195 will be my goal for now. The cold, wet, snowy, sleety, icy weather isn't helping. But, blame it on the rain? No, I've been ridiculous in my eating and non-exercise habits - time to stop. So, nothing drastic, but daily exercise (running when the temp is above 45) and less on the intake side. Going to try cutting out the wicked bad stuff: bacon, cheese, butter, icecream, pizza, mayo, beer (in large amounts), beer (as a regular beverage), and fried food. Other than that, just going to try eating after exercise and not getting seconds of everything. C'est la vie, and I'd like to enjoy it.

1 comment:

Libby said...

Let me know when we can start running together....